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Enjoy watching exotic birds in their natural habitat!

Consider sighting the Madagascar Pochard or the Giant Ibis, maybe even the Kakapo or Forest Owlet when you take a birding adventure.  These rare birds amongst many others wait you as you explore the various regions of the world.  With birding travel on the rise you will be in the company of countless other bird enthusiasts seeking the thrill of spotting these colourful animals.  This adventure goes beyond the bird watcher and is fit for the entire family seeking a calm, relaxing experience which will also prove to be very informative.  Choose from a variety of tours held throughout the year, which coincide with migration patterns and other bird trends.  Take to regions of Alaska and Oregon, Africa and Australia amongst many others, where your bird watching experiences will surely be memorable.  You can also participate in year round birding festivals which seek to highlight these animals in their natural habitats.  With each region offering a different experience and numerous possibilities, contact one of our knowledgeable travel advisors who will find the perfect birding travel adventure for you.